Music is a core element of worship at Immanuel. Our church has had a deep and enriched love of music and we look at music as a ministry of its own. Music communicates a sense of wonder and leads our thoughts toward God rather than toward ourselves. Music and song continue to play a vital role in the life of God's people and in the life of Immanuel. The churches ministry of song is for the glory of God and for the edification of God's people.
Our musical pride and joy is our Moeller Pipe organ. We are very blessed to have a 2 manual pipe organ.
Built in 1925, this 6'2" Mason & Hamlin grand piano is at home in Immanuel's sanctuary. The piano was completely remanufactured in New York by a Steinway technician working at Mason & Hamlin in 1991. When you visit our church be sure to look at the plaque in the hallway showing the support of our congregation for the refurbishing of this wonderful instrument.
Our Roland HP-1 Digital Piano is a versatile piano which has been used to accompany praise music as well as organ and piano music.
Immanuel's Chancel Choir provides anthems from September through Pentecost, providing both traditional and contemporary music. The choir also does two cantatas during the year, one during the Advent/Christmas season and one during the Lent/Easter season. During the summer months, special music is provided by individual members and groups.
Immanuel has a three octave set of handbells made by Schulmerich Carillons, Inc. One positive thing that we received from COVID-19 is that we are enjoying the sounds of these bells each week during our worship service. After COVID-19, our bells will probably grace our services much more frequently than before!
Immanuel has been providing Praise music in worship services for several years. This style of music is dedicated to beautifully arrange musical themes and lyrics that help us focus on God as we sing to Him. Our children sing praise music as well as traditional songs in Sunday School and has jumped in a time or two to help lead our blended worship service music. As a congregation that is moved by music, we understand that all music that worships God proclaims His glory. True praise comes from the heart and the product is that others see God working in us.
Immanuel's children share special music a few times throughout the year by singing, playing the bells or playing the boomwhackers. Even our very young have participated in these opportunities. The children enjoy doing this and they can then graduate to playing the adult handbells. Recently the adult handbell choir welcomed a sixth grader into their midst.
We look forward to the return of our CONCERTS AT IMMANUEL Series. Initially known as the Sunday Music Series, the series took a short hiatus between Ministers of Music. We had our 2020 series set up and then COVID-19 hit. There are usually four programs per year and the concerts are put on in our sanctuary by local secular and sacred artists.